Top 13 Technology Blogs in 2016

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Believe it or not, 13 is your lucky number today! Read on to discover the 13 hottest tech blogs.

1. Mashable is constantly updated with fresh info. It’s true that most of the information is provided by news or posts from Twitter and Facebook, but hey, it looks like it works! In fact, it works quite well for them, if we take into account that the blog receives about 20 millions of visitors per month. Not to mention that it has about six million followers on its social media channels!

2. TechCrunch is a bit different; it focuses on reviewing products that have recently been launched on the market. It boasts with over 12 millions of visitors per month and about 37 million page views – a mouth watering figure for most advertisers. It’s the blog to visit if you are interested in learning more about fresh companies, people and all sorts of tech news.

3. GigaOm was launched back in 2006, being the project of a single person. A lot has happened since then, and now GigaOm has 12 writers and 5 million viewers per month. It focuses on presenting the newest products on the market, providing useful information for entrepreneurs, professionals or executives. The company is also running several events, which are a nice way of helping people network and share tech related ideas.

4. Engadget is the review reader’s paradise. The blog provides tech products reviews and news. Go for it if you love tech and want to be kept up to date with what’s happening around the world.

5. Wired boasts with about 14 million viewers every month. People visit this blog because it discusses challenging ideas, provides fresh presentations and all sorts of news coming from the science, design or business sectors.

6. HuffPost Tech is part of the Huffington Post media giant, but it has become a very well known online news blog on its own. The blog discusses everything that happens in the tech world. If you are a visual guy (or girl) you will be pleased to know that there are lots of photos to see, videos to watch and all sorts of tech news articles on this blog.

7. Ubergizmo understands the love for tech of those that are not so geeky. In the end, even these people gotta have a place where they can learn stuff, right? Ubergizmo tries to simplify things, without making use of complex tech vocabulary, and thus provides a pleasant read for people like you and me.
Read this blog and you will discover many reviews about all sorts of products. And to make the things even more interesting, the posts are written in three languages, thus attracting lots of readers from all over the world.

8. The Verge is the place to go when you are looking for interesting videos or podcasts, as well as for articles about art, culture and, of course, technology.

9. CNET is often times visited by people that want to discover new tech products, or to learn how to utilize the devices they’ve bought at their full potential. There are different downloadable apps, videos and forums where people state their opinions about various tech products and give feedback.

10. Gizmodo is an interesting blog that combines humor and technology. The articles are written in a specific, humorous way that helps people have an enjoyable time while reading the blog.

11. The Small But Kinda Mighty blog is run by a mother with two autistic children, who writes especially about apps and things useful for the special needs community. The blog owner also writes reviews for Smart Apps for Kids. Deanne Shoyer is the winner of the Top 25 Tech Moms award in 2013.

12. The iMums is another interesting blog, being managed by four mothers from different area in the world. They want to help parents discover the best digital stories, educational apps or fun games that are available on the market and are useful for children.

13. Evolved Mommy offers overworked mothers lots of useful tips. The information that can be read on the blog is addressing the needs of the less technically inclined mothers.